John Wender Sleazy Cheater


Sleazy cheater, sociopathic narcissist, pathological liar, misogynist, drug and alcohol abuser. Architect.

Collects women, uses women, enjoys charming them and winning them over but it’s all part of his twisted game.

His parents were alcoholics, his whole family is riddled with addiction. His oldest brother is a meth addict, his other brother died from contracting viral hepatitis from a hypodermic needle (heroin) and John abused drugs and alcohol for over a decade with a young child at home.

John is a chronic manipulator and you can not believe a word he will tell you.
Watch for the stories to change details; because each time they will. He finds it hard to keep track of his lies.

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2 Responses to John Wender Sleazy Cheater

  1. Pingback: John Wender Sleazy Cheater | John Wender Liar

  2. friend says:

    everything written online about this man is true. chances are if you are googling him, he’s trying to bed you and you will be the next victim
    don’t fall for his victim stories – he violates women, uses them and spits them out when done
    he is full of std’s and you better make sure you get tested after him and every few months thereafter

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